Photoshop Card Business Style Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Card Business Style
Create a stylish business card in photoshop Photoshop,10 Images, 763 words
Lets start with opening a new File in photoshop of 800px x 700px dimension'by clicking on File menu > New 'or pressing CTRL + N on your keyboard.? After opening a new file, Set Foreground Color to #000000 (black) and Background Color to #dda100 (ocre..

How to Design a Stylish Business Card in Photoshop Photoshop,43 Images, 1152 words
In this tutorial I would like to show you how to design a stylish business card in Photoshop. This business card is? quite simple but looks clean and attractive. You will learn how to create vibrant background with popular light effects, also you wil..

Design a jeans style Business Card Photoshop,30 Images, 717 words
This tutorial will guide you through the process of designing a professional jeans style business card. The tutorial features some great techniques, effects and layer styles in which you can use over and over for future projects. The business card ha..

Flyer-Style Business Card Photoshop,33 Images, 769 words
Choose red as the foreground color, press Ok and then Fill the background layer by Alt/Opt Backspace or Edit: Fill. Drag in a stock flower image, Edit: Transform: Scale it down to a manageable size. Make a selection to get rid of the backg..

Photoshop tutorial: Create A Stylish Business Card. Photoshop,29 Images, 518 words
Hello friends.. Today in this Photoshop Tutorial, we will create a beautiful business card. Business cards play a vital role in expanding the business; it can reach far and wide. Lots of extensive research goes into it. A very good business card can ..